What is SomaVeda®

What is SomaVeda®?

system that integrates the art and science of ancient and modern worldwide indigenous healing traditions.

SomaVeda® provides freedom to explore and participate, be the person you want to be and live without the limitations that keep you from doing so.

Christ-Centered SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Therapy embraces the essential elements of yoga: breath work, meditation, and physical postures. SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies® Thai Yoga Therapy provides technical, functional medicine, counseling, and clinical protocols. SomaVeda® Thai Yoga, a ministry of the Native American Indigenous Church, Saving Grace Ministry is a Christ-centered yoga Therapy Practice and discipline.

SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies® Trademark

Christ is the focus of our intention and worships in all of these elements. Our programs and teachings emphasize the complete well-being of your body and soul. So, they are not to be performed but to be lived. And our Christ-centered yoga philosophy doesn’t focus on what you have been but on the person you are becoming in Christ. Our passion drives our mission by creating space for a life-changing transformation using the coaching and counseling model of service. Through Christ-Centered SomaVeda® Thai Yoga, you will learn and live a life’s journey of inspiration, fellowship, and spirituality with a healthy Spirit, Mind, and Body.

SomaVeda® Therapeutic Day Healing Program: The core practice of N.A.I.C.: I.H.S.M. (Indigenous (clerical/ pastoral/ ministerial) Christ-Centered Healthcare, Healing Science and Medicine) is the SomaVeda® Therapeutic Day Healing and Balancing program.

This prayerful and thoughtful religious therapeutic and meditation attunes powerful energies and petitions the sacred and symbolic metaphors of spiritual process and role models that provide the basis for all further communication and expression of the Thai philosophy of Promiiwihan Sii (Love, Compassion, Joy, and Equanimity), and the Christian principles of Optimism, Love, Integrity, Emotional Authenticity, Courage, and Commitment in service of following the scriptural and life example of Jesus (“Creator Sets Free“: First Nations Version (FNV) New Testament).

Traditional Thai Yoga: Indigenous Traditional Thai Yoga (also known as Indigenous Traditional Thai Massage: “Thai Massage: slang”), including individual styles such as “SomaVeda® Thai Yoga,” are traditional indigenous systems of movement education, dancing meditation, and therapy, movement re-patterning, All of the applications of conventional Puja (Prayer), Asana, Flows, Techniques, Prana Yama, Meditations and movements are specifically intended to affect the Spirit, Mind, and Body, emotions and human energy field in one way or another.

SomaVeda® is a natural therapeutics system designed and developed by Anthony B. James and offered by the N.A.I.C. Tribal Organization. Our “Core Modality” is based on Indigenous Thai Traditional Medicine (I.T.T.M.), Native American and Traditional Indigenous Natural Medicine, Christian/Christ-centered monastic or historical Christian and Bible-based medicine), Classical Thai, Classical Indian Ayurveda theory, and Yoga Therapy). We Develop training, certification, and diploma programs in our core modality of SomaVeda® Indigenous Thai Yoga Therapy. We believe SomaVeda® Indigenous Thai Yoga Therapy to be one of the most modern, practical, and adaptable systems of vital therapeutics uniquely derived from several UN-recognized Indigenous and traditional native medicine systems. We see our healing work as a tangible and viable alternative to conventional Western Medicine based on scientism, corporatism, and profits+ social engineering over people and people’s genuine health needs.

For more information on the SomaVeda® Therapeutic Day Program, Click Here!

SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies® / SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Therapy, Ayurveda, Yoga Therapy, and Traditional Indigenous Medicine have been formally adopted as traditional Medicine Practices by the N.A.I.C. to be offered exclusively by and between N.A.I.C. Tribal Org. members and ministers.

As Native Americans and Christians, we believe in the integration and validity of all Indigenous, Traditional Natural Medicines as an integral part of our spiritual practice. We also believe that this integrative approach to healing and medicine is the most practical solution for disease appropriate for all people today.

  • Native American Church/ Religious and Indigenous Traditional and “Mother Earth” / Spirit and/Natural based Medicine (N.A.I.C.)
  • Historical and Traditional Christian-Monastic, Bible-based, Healing and Medical care as functional medicine.
  • Indigenous Thai Traditional Medicine (Traditional Thai Ayurveda)
  • Classical Indian Ayurveda (India, Tibet, Burma, Sri Lanka)
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
  • Indonesian Yunani Medicine.
  • Indigenous Filipino Hilot
  • Indigenous Christian and or Monastic/ Pastoral Medicine (Medicine of Hope™: SMOKH)
  • Indigenous Thai Traditional Martial Arts, Meditation, and Healing Sciences: Buddhai Sawan Krabi Krabong and Muay Boran/ Muay Chaiya
SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Therapy, defined as the “Practical Expression of Loving Kindness,” offers a unique and solid foundation in energetic, spiritual, and physical modalities for promoting well-being and long life. Our core “hands-on” (Christ-centered “Chirothesia”) modality has a historical record of use in Thailand for over 2,500 years. Our traditionally based system is directly and authentically chartered and recognized as a continuation of the ancient Thai Yoga Reishi tradition (Jivaka/ Shivago Komarpai tradition) as practiced by Christians. Although traditional Thai yoga originated historically from Southeast Asia’s Buddhist schools and disciplines, its mechanics have been practiced by Christians, missionaries, and believers for millennia as it has always been seen as functional medicine. Although based on principles of vitalism, its principles and practices are common to all non-sectarian and non-dogmatic faiths and suitable for training by persons of any religion. We do not discriminate based on religious affiliation, race, blood quotient, gender, or sexual preference. All are welcome.
Press Release: New SomaVeda® Books available on Amazon.
1. Ayurveda of Thailand: Indigenous Traditional Thai Medicine and Yoga Therapy
2. What is SomaVeda® Thai Yoga: 49 Systems of Self-Awareness and Healing
10. Krabi Krabong, The Tiger Sword of Thailand: Traditional Thai Martial and Healing Arts Culture, History, Philosophy and Practices of the Buddhaisawan Tradition.

The mission of SomaVeda® is to:

1) Promote healing, education, and service as a Humanitarian Aid Mission and Service.

2) Explore and practice integrative, non-invasive, vitalistic, holistic, natural therapeutics and healing modalities, enabling people to live freely and happily the lives they dream possible for themselves and their families for the benefit of humanity.

3) Educate,  train, certify, and develop degree and diploma programs based on integrative approaches to traditional systems of healing and medicine from the N.A.I.C. perspective, such as Thai Traditional Medicine, Ayurveda, SomaVeda®Thai Yoga Therapy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Naturopathy, Indigenous or Native American Medicine, and or any healing modality from any tradition concurrent with our aims and beliefs.

4) Develop training, certification, and diploma programs in ecclesiastical (spiritual-based) and Biblically-based health and wellness solutions.

5) Provide the NAIC Legal Shield Authorizations, including NAIC LCHT Licentiate licenses for practitioners, therapists, physicians, and counselors offering spiritually based Holistic services and healing as ministry and sacred duty.

We refer to this as Indigenous Holistic Science Ministerial/ Pastoral/Clerical Humanitarian Aid Services and Medicine (I.H.S.M.). I.H.S.M. is developed as a ministerial religious therapeutic approach to health incorporating indigenous, tribal, traditional, and scripturally valid science with Bible-based natural law to assess, improve, and restore good physical, mental, and spiritual health. The focus of I.H.S.M. is not on disease and treatment of disease but on analyzing the genesis of poor health and utilizing the natural law, including physical, mental, and spiritual insights for health from scripture and traditions derived from indigenous clerical medicine to bring about healing.

I.H.S.M. does not intend to focus on disease or treatment of disease and avoids any techniques and substances that interfere with the natural order.

We believe that most disease has spiritual roots and see our role as supporting a vital, functional life as nature (spirit) intended. I.H.S.M. includes but is not limited by the following:  Ministerial/ Clerical/ Pastoral/ Medicine person or Elder practiced Therapeutics, Ministerial/ Clerical/ Pastoral/ Medicine person or Elder practiced Counseling, Ministerial/ Clerical/ Pastoral/ Medicine person or Elder practiced Clinical Natural Medicine or Ministerial/ Clerical/ Pastoral/ Medicine person or Elder practiced Traditional Naturopathy and or Nature Cure. These programs aim to establish a basis for professional I.H.S.M. medical standards and to license (Tribal Authorization), supporting the entire scope of practice in spiritually based therapeutics for mind, body, and spirit.

Spiritually based religious therapeutics include and are not limited to Nutritional Counseling, Clerical Physical and or Manual Therapy (Chirothesia), Psychological/ Emotional Therapy, Counseling for Mental Well Being, the use of traditional Native American and Indigenous ritual/ ceremony and sacrament for total well being (N.A.I.C.), Non-invasive standardized evaluation and assessment, Clia-Waived testing and assessment protocols, Multi-modality therapeutic approaches using any natural energies, ceremonies/ rituals/ meditations/ prayers/ Puja, sacraments or substances that spirit and nature have provided. Our healing sacrament and apothecary or “Medicine Chest,” is intended to heal those of the sick and the infirm using natural agents and products such as foods, soups, herbs, teas, salts, oils, fats, and water; specific cures and tried traditional remedies; and supernatural agents including spiritual counseling, prayer, divination, worship, fasting, application of sacred waters, sacred salts, sacred foods; herbs, oils, and perfumes. We aim to restore the harmony of nature, man, and spirit to oneness.

SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies® is more than using a little of this and a little of that! Indigenous Traditional energetic systems such as Classical Ayurveda, TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), ITTM (Indigenous Thai Traditional Medicine), Traditional Homeopathy, Native American Medicine, and Western Medicine arts and sciences such as Allopathy, Osteopathy Psychology, etc., have long been portrayed as being entirely at opposition with one another. This has been true to the present time. However, it is now possible for us forward-thinking individuals to beat the swords we have been using to denigrate and compete with each other into the plowshares, which will create the optimum environment for many types of healing experiences for our clients.

As we move away from a place where the definition of wellness and health is the “absence of disease,” we explore a model that portrays the human patient as a complete whole. Spirit, Mind, Body, and Nature cannot be taken or considered separate, unrelated parts of us. We separate them only as a mental exercise, for in reality, they are one. Their functions and existence overlap and are interdependent, synergistic, and sympathetic to the degree that we only begin to suspect. They are variations in perspective more or less evident as one looks at a person from different angles of viewpoint and prejudice.

The Spirit, Mind, Body, and Nature work together to create the instrument by which our very soul is manifest and able to interact and communicate with the material world and the universe of which we are a part. In oriental medicine, humans are described as “conduits” between the twin towers of the Celestial influences and energies of Heaven and the terrestrial forces and powers of the Earth. We say simply as between Father Sky and Mother Earth. We are how the Heavens feel wet grass between the toes and how the Earth sees the stars.

Native Americans say, “Mitakoe Oyasin” (Lakota), “We are all relatives.” This infers we are living constituents in a living cosmology of all life and are directly related to all life in some way.

SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies®, such as SomaVeda® Thai  Yoga, is the authorized indigenous, traditional, Christ-centered medicine system adopted and incorporated into I.H.S.M. and Tribal primary care by the Native American Indigenous Church. I.H.S.M. is entirely legal to be practiced between N.A.I.C. members and by authorized healers in all 50 states of the US. Our N.A.I.C. SomaVeda® healing practices and religious therapies are protected as Native American Religious Therapeutics, spiritual and spiritually based ministerial/ pastoral/ clerical medicine. (See About N.A.I.C. and Legal Compliance)

For more discussion on “What is SomaVeda®? Click Here!

Where can you go to learn SomaVeda® Thai Yoga? Click Here!

Want to see the current schedule for workshops and programs? Click Here!

Do you have a Holistic Practice or Holistic Service that you offer or want to offer and need Legal Protections and authorizations for safety and peace of mind? NAIC Legal Shield can help protect you, your family, your practice, and your patients from complications and Governmental overreach. Visit NAICLegalShield.org today for more information and free resources.

Native American Indigenous Church-NAIC

SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapie®, SomaVeda® is a Federally Registered Trademark/ Servicemark and proprietary Intellectual Property, All World Rights Reserved.