NWS Menu and Treatment Pathways

Natural Wellness Solutions Tribal Org. Wellness and Health Center offers innovative Treatment Pathways

N.W.S. specializes in wellness and restoring vitality and functional, happy life.

NWS Wellness and Holistic Services are available to NAIC Tribal Organization members only. Consider joining NAIC with your family

Restoring Vitality, Active Lifestyle, And Pain Relief

Eighty-five percent of Americans suffer from back pain. Is your pain physical, emotional, or spiritual? NWS Integrated Holistic Services offers an integrated strategy to bring energy to these complex issues. Where does it hurt? Try our traditional integrated holistic services approach using cutting-edge technologies.

SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies® Thai Yoga, Ayurveda, Yoga Therapy, and Health Coaching can help. In recent years, Thai Yoga Therapy (Thai Traditional Medical Massage) has been scientifically shown to relieve pain. Whether you suffer from pain in the back, neck, arms, legs, shoulders, or joints, come in if you want to alleviate pain. All types of pain.

NAIC Tribal Organization and church, NWS-Natural Wellness Solutions Clinic, also adopt and affirm the healing principles of Christian Monastic Medicine as an intangible cultural heritage and Christian Science.


NAIC Tribal Organization Religious Therapeutic Humanitarian Aid Services offer cutting-edge wellness, health, healing, alternative, complimentary and restorative protocols from an ethical, moral, prudent, and functional medicine pespective.

Core Holistic Vitality Enrichment Services: SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies®

Athletic Care And Sports Performance

We treat professional soccer players, ultra-marathon runners, marathon runners, triathletes, cross-fitters, mountain bikers, football players, baseball players, swimmers, volleyball players, and lacrosse players.

Quick Checkup! Preventative Screening For Wellness And Recovery From Catastrophic Illness

We proudly offer the St. John P.O.C. (Point of Care) Quick Checkup Multi-modality Vitality, Wellness, and Health Screening service. We run the test in-house and then furnish you with a screening examination and health synapsis of over 45 potential health issues using our differential assessment protocol and proprietary software. Make your appointment today!